Woman In Mind (December Bee)
Alan Ayckbourn
F3 M5
Alan Ayckbourn(University of California)
3.42 out of 5
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Another marvelous portrait of middle class, middle aged life by this skillful portrayer of manners and morals.
Charming, naturally successful in everything, Anthea and Richard almost unconsciously but ruthlessly dominate the lives of those with whom they are associated in business or as neighbors.
Over twelve years Sven, Richard's partner, is virtually nudged out of the firm Brian tries, ineffectually, through a series of girl friends to replace his love, Anthea Hugh, a local vicar, falls hopelessly for Anthea Hugh's wife is driven to drugs by Anthea and Richard's kindness.
The play ends with Anthea's daughter, Debbie, awaiting the guests for her eighteenth birthday party with Brian making one last attempt for an Anthea substitute.
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