Nude With Violin
Noel Coward
F6 M8
2.9 out of 5
Medium Cast (9)Female (3)Male (6)
One act New
$16.65 USD
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$1.30 USD
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$14.44 USD
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$12.47 USD
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Comedy / Characters: 6 male, 3 femaleScenery: InteriorOne of the "Tonight At 8:30" series produced in London and New York.
Lady Gilpin (Piggie) is so busy with social duties and gossip that she has no time for coherent thinking.
She is set aflutter when her drawing room is suddenly filled with her husband's naval conferees, blueprint delivery boys and dumpy Mr. and Mrs. Wadhurst from the Far East, who flighty Piggie mistakes for the Rawlingsons.
The Wadhursts overhear intimate phone conver
Nude With Violin
Noel Coward
F6 M8
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