The Boy Friend
Sandy Wilson New
$16.84 USD
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A musical play
Divorce Me, Darling!
is a nostalgic and amusing take-off of the musical comedies of the 1930s and a sequel to the technique used in The Boy Friend for the 1920s.
The charming young pupils of Mme Dubonnet's finishing school who married their respective 'boy friends' now come together again after ten years of marriage at the Hotel du Paradis in Nice.
But the initial euphoria of married life has worn off and as they sing and dance their way through some catchy numbers events are misconstrued and partners change until everyone wants a divorce.
The situation is finally taken in hand by Mme Dubonnet, alias Madame K the cabaret singer, and her long-lost husband Percy.
Having saved the President's life, Percy is reunited with Mme Dubonnet and this sets the trend, nature doing the rest.
As the 'girls' return to their husbands each makes the startling announcement that there are several more happy events pending!