Reunion ; Dark Pony ; The Sanctity Of Marriage
David Mamet
F1 M1
The Heather Brothers(Samuel French)
3 out of 5
Small Cast (4)Female (3)Male (1) New
$16.94 USD
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$12.93 USD
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$16.67 USD
+ $2.64 USD Shipping Used
$7.17 USD
+ $6.91 USD Shipping
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A thriller
Full Length, Thriller Characters: 1 male, 4 female Scenery: Interior Mike and Liz have a rocky marriage.
She is an alcoholic and he is a philanderer who is having a fling with a young neighbor and a serious affair with his wife's doctor.
Mike and Liz have a secret: years ago they left a girl dying at a hit and run accident.
Mike fakes dying, hoping the shock will kill Liz, but she rushes to the clinic where the doctor finishes her off.
But then Liz bursts through the door and murders her "dead" husband and the doctor kills her again, taking revenge for the death of her daughter.
"Nothing absolutely nothing is what it seems in this smart, riveting ... yarn full of gut wrenching plot twists and hairpin turns ... surprising special effects and tart wit."
News Journal, Wilmington.
"Serves to remind you that in the right hands, live theater can provide a thrill a minute."
WDEL Radio, Wilmington.
"Full of thrills and spills ...
One of the best plays I've seen."
Derby Trader.