This Day And Age
Nagle Jackson
F3 M3
Nagle Jackson(Dramatists Play Service)
3.67 out of 5
Small Cast (5)Female (3)Male (2)
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THE STORY: All I want is to run everything and always be right; now is that so much to ask?
Thus speaks K.C., the no-nonsense editor of ME magazine, a popular rag dedicated to the upwardly mobile.
K.C. lives by herself on an island off the
This Day And Age
Nagle Jackson
F3 M3
Taking Leave
Nagle Jackson
F2 M3
The Quick-change Room
Nagle Jackson
F5 M5
Nagle Jackson
F1 M2
Opera Comique
Nagle Jackson
F4 M6
At This Evening's Performance
Nagle Jackson
F2 M5