A Bad Day At Gopher's Breath

Al Ver Schure, Lee Ver Schure(Samuel French)

A Bad Day At Gopher's Breath Cover


A farce in thirteen scenes

FarceCharacters: 14 male, 4 female (including 1 male narrator guitarist and 1 male or female piano player), plus extras.

Area or platform staging.

After many failures due to ineptitude, the notorious Rawlins gang rides into Gopher's Breath to rob the bank.

While Rawhide Rawlins dreams of a farm for his ma, Sheriff Crutchwaffle representing all that's rotten in town also has his designs on the loot.

He needs money to escape the clutches of Fat Jack Caldwell, the most feared man in the West.

The outlaws and the sheriff force each other to alter their plans and the banker's niece enters the plot.

Stricken by love, a Rawhide tries desperately to go straight, but his gang carries on and Crutchwaffle manipulates them to his own evil ends.

Predictably, love deals Crutchwaffle a bad draw in the end and Bambi and Rawhide ride happily into the sunset.

Riddled with all the traditional cliches of the classic western, Gopher's Breath becomes the setting for hilarious happenings.


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